10 Week 70.3 Program - Advanced

Author: Sergio Borges

Type: 70.3 Half Iron distance Triathlon

Level: Advanced

Length: 10 Weeks

Average weekly training hours -- --
Weekly Hours

This plan is designed for the serious athlete looking to be competitive at his/her age group rankings. This plan has one more workout then the Intermediate an increase in weekly volume. Total Weekly Hours: 10 to 14 hours

By ordering and receiving this triathlon plan, you recognize that, due to the endurance nature of the sport of triathlon, participation may result in personal injury to yourself. In undertaking the training on the following pages, you fully accept these risks. You also acknowledge that no physician has informed you that you are not fit to participate in triathlon training. In consideration of your acceptance of this triathlon training plan, you agree that Sergio Borges, its directors, employees, volunteers, members, and sponsors shall not be liable for injuries or loss that you might suffer due to your participation. You agree not to hold liable, not to sue, and to hold harmless any and all persons, sponsors, volunteers, participants, or Sergio Borges X Training-affiliated persons for any and all claims or liabilities that by virtue of undertaking this training program you have waived, released or discharged herein. By undertaking this training program you acknowledge your acceptance of the above.

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This document is the intellectual property of Sergio Borges X Training and its authors. The information in this document is made available for the sole use of the person who has paid for its receipt. Sergio Borges retains copyright on all text and graphic images in this document. This copyright is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may store the file on your own computer for your own personal use, print copies of the information for your own personal use. You are prohibited from modifying or re-using the text and graphics in this document, distributing the text and graphics in this document to others, or "mirroring" the information in this document in other media without the written permission of Sergio Borges. All other rights reserved.

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